Case Study Analysis Glee

1. Teasing is observable in the conversation between Rachel and Artie when the former commented that the latter is not leadership material. In this situation, Rachel was just teasing Arties as she did not mean to hurt the person and Artie even agreed to it by saying that he is more of a follower. The incident wherein Finns football teammates cornered him in the locker room and messed his face up with a marker is a clear example of bullying. It is clear that Finn is not in good terms with these people and his teammates have the intention to embarrass and hurt him to the point of calling him a loser, which are evident signs of bullying.

2. Workplace bullying is also seen in this episode of Glee, especially when Will and Sue were in Principal Figgins office. Sue personally attacked Will when she accused him of committing adultery with one of the teachers in the school together with the other personal attacks about his hairstyle. Sue addressed this attack by merely returning to the real subject at hand and also shouting at Sue. However, he could have handled it more appropriately if he formally filed a complaint about the insults and accusations that he received.

3. Hard bargaining strategies are observable in two instances in the Mattress episode of glee. First, when Will is convincing Principal Figgins in including the glee club in the yearbook. Will was able to get what he wants but with a price and that is to pay a substantial amount of money for the clubs pictures. In addition to this, hard bargaining is also seen in the conversation of Quinn and Sue wherein Quinn has to blackmail Sue in order for the glee club to have a full page in the yearbook.  

4. The marriage of Will and Terry clearly exemplifies Gottmans four horsemen of the apocalypse. First, criticism is seen in the attitude of Terry wherein he always finds fault in Will, especially when it comes to the glee club. Second, contempt Terry usually sneers, rolls her eyes, or uses hostile mockery in dealing with Will, which is seen when he is asking permission to pay for the glee clubs photo. Third, defensiveness is also present in their relationship that is clearly represented when Will was asking of whether Terrys pregnancy is real. Terry even directed Will to re-think of what he is accusing her in an effort to cover for her mistakes. Lastly, stonewalling is also seen in their marriage wherein Will decided to leave their house as a way to avoid conflict.

5. The informal pattern of communication is observable in the conversation of Sue and Quinn. Quinn was not taking into consideration the hierarchical differences of her position with Sue because she keeps on asserting what she wants even if Sue was her superior. In relation to this, Quin was also explicitly and directly saying what she wants to the point of blackmailing Sue.


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