
Many believe that watching television will lead to our eminent doom, while others argue that it is the element that brings sanity in a world of disorder and chaos. Television has brought changes into the lives it has touched, the impact of which cannot be quantified as either negative or positive. This in essence is the message beneath Charles Kennys article, Revolution in a Box. He refers to the change brought by television, and how its powers can be harnessed in a beneficial way.
Charles Kenny provides arguments in favor of how television has changed our lives. Television access will be in the grasp of 1 in 3 individuals by 2015, and it will be a bigger force than ever. India and Brail have proved that television can be the source of social change as well as providing a source of entertainment. He favors the television revolution as if its the catalyst for everything happening. He provides arguments how television shows that do not even make sense can also be used for the betterment of mankind.
He also mentions how the media can be bribed monopolized by governments. In this particular case he mentions the efforts of one such Peruvian government. He also gives a very good idea that how cultural imperialism can be imposed on the innocent minds of people, deeply effecting how they think. The CNN, Al Jazeera coverage of Iraq war was given as an example. CNN and BBC showed the world one side of picture, while Al Jazeera showed the other side of the picture. Well yes we will have a broader view of the whole story, but how many people had Al Jazeera back then
It should be questioned that what effects media globalization will bring on cultures of the world. The east is leaving its cultural norms and making its way towards the west. We see cowboys all over the world, is it just cowboys were everywhere in the world before or just the early signs of cultural homogenization.
In the not so distant future there will be a world where cultural differentiation will be difficult, and we will set our eyes on men of different races, but with a very similar nature. Though a healthy sign for world peace, but its cultural differentiation that makes us who we are, isnt it
Kenny argues that the role of television will increase as the access to television increases but we have to be aware of the ill effects that it may bring with itself. There has to be regulatory authorities and watchdogs to look into the proceedings, not only on national level but also on the international level. I would like to quote from Spiderman comics as I end this discussion.
With great powers comes great responsibility.


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