as a Case Study.

The article is mainly about the emergence and high popularity of dot-coms since the inception of the internet. These internet sites suddenly transformed our lifestyle and culture since they were created. They have greatly influenced our  attitudes toward work, money, and business in the 1990s, and the larger  social impact they have had on our culture.  The dot-coms companies are also great avenues for financial gain as they provide a wide array of opportunities. One of these dot-coms companies that have endured the collapse of the technology market and successfully remained in the business is the, a company that  dominates the world both in terms of market share and brand recognition.  The company started as the worlds biggest online bookstore. However, the company continuously diversifies and expands and sells other things like toys, movies and music (Massanari, 2006).
    The article is a case study focusing on the letters sent the companys CEO, Jeff Bezos, sent to the shareholders in 1997 and 2001. The letters include the annual reports of the company that have been made as public documents accessible to the companys website. The documents are analyzed in light of the companys motto,  Work hard. Have fun. Make history. Make money.  Through the letters sent by Bezos, he transcend the message to his peers and employees, the companys values and financial reports. Thus, the letters embody the aforementioned companys motto and how it was delivered to the recipients. However, the letters also implicitly stated the great financial opportunities in the dot-coms business. The information and the message in the letters reflect the cultural values deemed important in a company and provides vital insights into the business culture of dot-coms companies (Massanari, 2006).
    In my opinion, the article is well-written and contains valuable information for the people in the executive and managerial positions, especially in the online business. The article is easy to read and understandable. The subheadings make it easier for the reader to understand the topic of the series of paragraphs. The overall presentation of the facts and information is good and adapts to its readers.
    The topic discussed by the article is timely and contemporary for the sudden popularity of the dot-coms companies and other internet sites. There are millions of internet sites that cater various goods and services to the global consumers. The article reviewed and analyzed the themes of the letters by the Amazon.coms CEO, Jeff Bezos, which reflected the companys motto. The themes embodied in the letters provide vital information and is a great addition to the cyberculture studies. Moreover, the companys motto as reflected in the companys letters contains important cultural values that should be present in every workplace. The analysis of the letters are very consistent and aligned on the companys motto. The  Make money  that is personally added by the author only shows the great financial opportunity in the dot-coms companies. Moreover, it shows that when the members of the company work hard, they are eventually rewarded due to the success of the company.
    The author of the article, Adrienne Massanari, is an authority on the subject as she teaches DigitalNew Media at Loyola University in Chicago. She graduated with a PhD at the University of Washington and taught at the same university for some time. She also authored numerous articles pertaining to cyberculture and new media.
    The article is an effective piece of literature for its target audience, especially the working class holding top positions in a company. The article provides new and vital information on important corporate values as well as an insight on one of the top dot-coms companies. The article is interesting and worthwhile as it is entertaining and educational at the same time. It is a great addition on the  must-reads  of the executive people to gather inspiration and tips in managing people and company.


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