Case Study Research Project.

According to Kendall  Wickham (2001) they allude that going to the malls to shop or just walk around or even just hang out is a popular American culture. Most shopping malls in the U.S. tend to have wide selections of a variety of experiences in just one place. Themed restaurants where a person can enjoy different and exotic cuisines, high end boutiques and relatively affordable boutiques, grooming parlors, movies theatres and other interesting places to go and things to see.  The Century City Mall is one such a shopping mall. It is situated in Los Angeles and it has everything for everybody. Some American celebrities are known to patronage the mall as well since the malls location is convenient as it is located in an upscale locality. In addition the ample parking and the history of the mall make it a favorite place for Americans especially those in Los Angeles area to visit.   

This paper is a case study of the Century City Mall and using an ethnographic approach the researcher analyzed the mall in terms of its historical background and he also compared it with other malls to pinpoint its unique features and why it is able to attract people from all walks of life.  

Description of the siteevent
The Century City mall is a great place to spend a whole day during your leisure time. The AMC Century City Theatres has really comfortable seats and IMAX 3D movie screenings. In addition to the theatres, some of the best restaurants are located in Century City Mall. Those interested in enjoying great American food have Houston which is a restaurant that offers a wide selection of American dishes. Rock Sugar Pan Asian restaurant offers Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indonesian and Thai cuisines. Mexican dishes are offered at Pink Taco, and Ummba Grill offers an array of Brazilian cuisine.
If one wants to have something quick and cheap to eat, there are several eateries which offer fast foods and they are Food Court or Subway Sandwiches. These eateries have affordable delicious dishes and are very popular as they can be taken on the go.
Century City has large clothes and other accessories shopping selections. They have high end brands like Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss, and True Religion. For more common shopping needs they have Macys, Bloomingdales, Abercombie, Kenneth Cole, Puma, and Zara. Bloomingdales and Marcys are the malls anchors or most important stores as they bring in the bulk of the malls patrons and occupy a very large area in terms of square meters.
If one needs to buy some groceries, they can go to Gelsons whereas Brookstone, Apple and Bose offer all types of electronics. Apple offers a selection of information technology gadgets from the Macintosh brand whereas Bose offers an array of home appliances.   
The best thing with the Century City Mall is the parking. The first three hours are free of charge and valet parking services are also available on Santa Monica and Constellation Boulevards.  
Relevance and importance of this site or text as a subject of study
The mall is located in Century City and is surrounded by skyscraper office buildings on one side and hotels in which prominent people stay on the other side. It is on the Northwest side of Century City in Santa Monica which is in the city of Los Angeles. The mall being in a metropolitan city has something to offer everyone and people from all walks of life are able to get what they want from the mall. Also, being in city that attracts thousands of tourists every year at the mall they can feel right at home enjoying their cuisines and sampling what other cultures have to offer.
As far as malls goes, the Century City has the characteristics depicted by the other shopping malls. It is large and the retailers have very exciting presentations the owners of the retail shops in the malls through creativity and innovation manage to attract a very wide audience.
Under the roof of Century City customers get to enjoy childrens play areas, people can witness live shows, watch movies, play virtual reality computer games, have access to a variety of different dishes and food and see eye-catching marketing techniques and interact with knowledgeable people as they demonstrate how operate certain gadgets. Also, Century City offers postal services among a variety of other services. 

Method of research what did you do Observation When, how long, where Interviews-how many With whom Where
According to Taylor (2002) the methodology forms the background of every research as it validates the findings of research. This being an ethnographic research it thus entails the researcher to go to the field and experience the culture of the population which they are researching on. The methods of data collection used included close observation and interviews. As the researcher lives in Los Angeles he has visited the Century City mall on very many occasions and has interacted with very many people. These past experiences also came into play in this research.
The movie theatre is a favorite spot for many. The theatre is beautiful and the experiences of watching movies there are very pleasant and rewarding. Therefore this is one area that the researcher needed opinion on and therefore interviews were conducted on several movie goers who were selected using random sampling technique on different days. Also, the researcher interviewed the staff members who work at the AMC Theatres to get their views about their jobs and their clientele.
Apart from shopping the other places that attract a lot of business are the various themed restaurants. Most foreigners who for various reasons have relocated to the U.S. get to experience a taste of home in these restaurants. The mall is also very popular with tourists therefore the researcher interviewed a few people who have had a chance to sample these different cuisines on offer and also observed which restaurants were popular. One of the research questions sought to find out whether ethnicity was a factor that influenced patronage of these restaurants. Through observation the researcher wanted to find out whether the clients chose the restaurants based on their ethnic backgrounds or if other factors were at play as well.

Analysis Using the semioticdiscursive approach along with performance based analysis that we have learned during the semester, analyze this sitea) Situate within an historical context
Malls developed due to the shortcomings of ancient departmental stores that were seen to congest and make cities very dirty. The first malls called shopping centers were located along the city suburbs in the nineteen twenties and were meant to offer everything under one roof. Therefore shopping malls have existed for very long time and over the years have undergone several transformations. They have moved away form being just functional to incorporating other amusements and leisure time activities.
The Century City shopping mall was anchored on a Broadway set. The mall has grown over the years and in 1987 it boasted one of the largest movie theatres. This was what made Century City very popular then. The Broadway was closed down and bought off by a different investor and consequently the name was changed to Bloomingdales and what was previously the Marketplace was converted to retail shops. The Century City Mall is built on what was originally a movie set for which the original mall has been featured in several movies.
The mall boasts of having one of the most comfortable and state of the art movie theatres fitted with modern equipment. The seating resembles that seen in stadiums which means it is in 3D which enables the movie to be watched from all angles. This was developed recently is very popular with many movie lovers.

Develop associations similarities and differences 
Most Shopping malls are alike and have the same features. They all boast an array of retail shops which sell products ranging from the basic necessities to the luxuries. The Century City Mall in that area is no different although unlike other shopping malls that have a Disney world setting where children and or adults can have a Mini-Disney experience Century City mall does not.
Compared also, to some malls Century City is relatively small though this should not deter movie lovers as there is a state of the art movie theater fitted with modern equipment.  

Excavate the myths and underlying ideologies supported andor challenged
With the coming of the internet some thought that online shopping would lead to the demise of shopping malls. It has since emerged that the fears were unfounded and in essence the popularity of the malls has been on the rise though recently affected by the global financial crisis. This is because shopping malls are not just about shopping but combining that activity with an array of other sports and ways of spending leisure time with family and friends.
Recently in Minneapolis a rule was passed that no unaccompanied teenagers andor children should be spotted in a mall as they simply cause congestion and in most cases they are just gawking through windows without really buying anything. This is not entirely true as most children end up buying snacks and food. Also, they get to spot items they would like to buy or have their parents buy for them and this way when they come to the mall with their parents they acquire these items. Therefore claiming that children just idle around in malls gawking through windows without buying anything is a myth.
There are other myths that shopping malls were created with the idea or replicating mans understanding of Utopia. In essence the malls in America are seen by many Americans as a place to escape all the pressures and relax with friends while looking at beautiful things. Walking around and the noise because of all the activities is hardly Utopia.        

Uncover the multiple andor contradictory meanings
Some people view everybody who goes to the shopping mall as going there to spend their leisure time. This is because if it shopping they were after they can achieve this online. As much as malls offer a place to relax and be with friends most trips to the mall are for shopping or finding out prices of items to be bought in future.  
The other truth about malls is with competition among the retail stores makes the retailers sell their items at competitive prices. One has a choice of moving around in the mall and eventfully settling for the best prices of an item. Also, locating an item is easy.

Who benefitswho does not benefit for the meanings that are constructed    
A shopping mall has everything for everyone under one roof. The traders benefit from selling their products to the customers whereas the public benefits as it is possible to shop and relax in the same place. The community near the malls also benefits since jobs are created by the presence of the mall in the neighborhood.

Discuss the per formative aspects of the site including the performance of culture and identity 
The presence of valet parking raises the standards of the Century City mall. Also, the movie theatre is another factor that attracts an audience to this mall. Different ethnicities have their tastes and preferences taken care of and thus as far as integrating all cultural backgrounds Century City has succeeded. 

Discuss issuesconcernschallenges of performing ethnography    
To conduct an ethnographic research the researcher has to immerse themselves into the culture being researched on and be one with those in that community. Achieving such a feat in an expansive area such as the Century City is wishful thinking. The people who visit the mall range from genuine shoppers to conmen to tourists. Thus it would be impossible to be all those things or to try to fit in all the different social contexts presented in order to conduct a thorough research. Therefore some generalizations and the researchers personal opinions come to play.
Another challenge was establishing how much time was enough to gather a comprehensive data for the research. Everyday the situation change especially in such a context therefore a fact today may be disputed tomorrow.  

Discuss your role as the researcher in relations to the research site (identification disidentification similarities differences) your biases, assumptions
Despite conducting this research I also spend time at the Century City mall shopping or doing other activities. The mall is close to where I live and therefore this shortness in distance motivated me to pick the mall as my case study. Since I have had very good times at the Century City especially at the movies my assumption is that this is everybodys opinion. It emerged though that some poodle have lost their personal effects never to be found and though I have always thought the place as safe this information took me aback. 

What are the ethical issues you faced
According to Mackey  Gass a researcher should ensure they treat their respondents with integrity. What ever information they give should be used for research purposes only. No names should be revealed or other forms of personal information. During the research especially since I was conducting a research in a shopping mall many ethical issues came up. For instance in trying to identify why customers prefer one restaurant to the other, or if eating in a certain themed restaurant had anything to do with their ethnic background the information required created an ethical dilemma. This is because by declaring one restaurant better than the other gives the restaurant an advantage or an edge over the others which in research is unethical.
About ethnicity, by declaring that people eat in a certain themed restaurant as for ethnicity reasons it might be construed as declaring one ethnic group as being superior to the others with an implication of discriminating against certain ethnicity.
Being a frequenter at the Century City, my personal opinions influenced by my tastes and preferences may have clouded my judgment. For instance I consider watching a movie at the AMC Century City theatre as the ultimate movie experience. I have indicated that in my research and my visits to other movie theatres in other shopping malls in my opinion do not hold a candle to the experience at the AMC theatres. Some people might disagree and  but since it is a research about culture and how the surroundings influence a peoples way of life then it is unethical to let the researchers personal feelings interfere. In this case it was hard not to have an opinion about a place I know so well.  

Shopping malls especially in present day time have revolutionized how people spend their leisure time. They have become the places where individuals go to have all their needs taken care of under one roof. One can shop, eat and play without having to get in your car and move around. This case study succeeds establishing how individuals view a shopping mall experience and how the different cultures have been accommodated in the Century City shopping mall. Also, it emerges that shopping and relaxation with friends is possible and it is an experience to be had in a shopping mall.  

Death penalty.

The debate as to whether to abolish the death penalty or not, has generated much heat within the criminal justice systems. Opponents of the death penalty express their opinion that the death penalty is an ultimate violation of human rights. They term the penalty as an inhuman and degrading act done in the name of justice. However, they have faced strong opposition from the proponents who feel that by not legalizing death penalty within all the states then we are not adequately punishing our pernicious criminals.
Proponents of the death penalty argue that it is economical. They cite that the death penalty cost per prisoner is estimated as 1.91 as compared to life without parole that costs an estimate 5.53. It is estimated that we have at least 3726 criminals in the cells and only 712 have been executed since 1976. Thus, they feel that the death penalty gives the convicts an opportunity to appeal. The convicts have the chance to appeal directly, through Post conviction review, Federal Habeas Corpus and via Clemency.
Opponents feel that the executions associated with the death penalty is normally directed to innocent citizens. On the other hand, proponents have countered this by presenting the argument that, no innocent individual have so far been executed. They argue that no inmate under the death penalty has been found to have an innocent postmortem. This is so because any inmate who is proved innocent is released.
The capital punishment serves as a deterrent to other potential criminals. The penalty does inflict fear to potential criminals. This is so because no one in his right senses would love to be arrested, convicted and executed. The proponents also express their opinion that by not executing the convicts this will serve as a justification that it was right to take the life of the innocent victims. They term it as mere hypocritical to oppose the death penalty. They cite that there are too many activists against the penalty but none is addressing the rights of the victims who are often forgotten and left behind to pick up their pieces.
Another argument presented by the proponents of the death penalty is that the execution process saves time .They feel that the forms of execution currently available such as electrocution, hanging and the gas chamber are quick and humane.

They also argue that using the death penalty eliminates the chances of the criminals of escaping from prison. The death penalty ensures that the criminals do not find their way back to the society where they could cause more harm. In this case they cite one specific example of Richard Biegenwald who had murdered a store owner in New Jersey.  He was arrested and given a life sentence instead of a death penalty. He was later released after 17 years under parole which he later violated  by killing an 18 year New Jersey girl, three 17 year old girls and a 34 year old man. The loss of lives could have been avoided if Richard had in the first place been executed.
In another argument, opponents of the death penalty have expressed concern that the death penalty is unequally applied between the Caucasians and the Black Americans. The proponents for the death penalty have countered this accusation by producing the statistic that show that within the cells there is a 46.14 Caucasians.
I am of the opinion that the death penalty is the way to go in the bid to reduce the rise in the number of those committing capital offences.

Gender and identity more than just chromosomes.

Not knowing who you really are, conflicting thoughts on life, love, religion, gender and other issues, recurring feelings of confusion regarding personal roles, and a sense of helplessness over ones future these and more, are some of the most common things a person feels when he is undergoing a phase in ones development called identity crisis. A lot of psychologists believe that identity crisis is an inevitable part of a persons development and maturation. Just like the saying goes, even a raw gem needs to undergo constant pounding, refining and designing before it can be heralded as a fine jewelry. In the case of every individual, in order to achieve a sense of identity where he or she is comfortable with, he or she needs to undergo experiences and events that will challenge and question his or her very own humanity. 

Before delving into the concept of an identity crisis, we should identify what identity is and what makes a youth of today experience an identity crisis. Operationally defined by Erik Erikson (1970b), identity is a subjective sense and an observable quality of personal sameness and continuity.  This is often paired with a belief in the continuity of a single shared world image. In this type of person we find an exceptional union of what is given. This includes emotions, physique, ideology, talents, weaknesses and immaturity. These are mirrored in the roles such as possible occupations, first sexual experiences, shared values, established friendships, and acceptance of mentors. Ultimately, identity is a persons similarity with the world around them.

Identity is a unique feeling of well-being for every person. It is the sense of self, the knowledge of who we really are. Having your own identity is beyond just knowing yourself, your achievements and goals. It is having a deep understanding of ones self, celebrating every part of it, cherishing the strengths and finding ways to either accept or improve the weaknesses. Establishing an identity gives a person a sense of fulfillment that one will not find on material things, even on others. It is finding your very own unique qualities while maintaining a sense of belongingness into the society where you fit in.
Several factors including events, people and experiences shape up a persons identity. An experience does not necessarily have to be good to create a positive change into a persons identity. Crises and hardships, if taken in a positive light, can actually do well in shaping a persons identity. Even events, good or bad, also shape a persons identity. Interaction with other people can also bring positive or negative effects on a persons identity. In a nutshell, we can say that identity is a melting pot of a persons experiences, relationships with other people, and the persons inner thoughts, beliefs and personality. 

Gender, on the other hand, is defined by the World Health Organization. WHOs definition aptly describes that gender need not be limited to a persons physical or sexual characteristics, it also encompasses what the society expects of them as men and women. It also expresses the variability of these expectations from society to society. There are no standard expectations around the world on how women and men should act. It is dictated by the norms of the particular society. Thus, both men and women cannot just act according to how they want to act. If they want to be accepted in the society, they should act in accordance to what the society requires or them. Any lack or excess in these expectations is a form of deviance is not socially accepted.

Recently, however, more and more men and women have tried to free themselves from those limitations the conservative society has implanted into the minds of the people. These are people who dared to go out of the box of femininity and masculinity, either to embrace both sexes or to trade their own gender for the other one. They go by many names, like gays, lesbian, homosexuals and bisexuals. And just like any deviant act, embracing homosexuality and bisexuality was initially met by outrage, resent and ostracism by the society. Any person who dares to be different is ridiculed and judged.

As time heals all wounds, it makes norms bend as well. The new culture of homosexuality and bisexuality began to be slowly accepted and it is presently distinguished. Presently, several people believe in accepting a persons sexual identity rather than correcting and hindering it from growing if it is found deviant. Gays and lesbians became the newest forms of sexual identity together with the traditional male and female. Music, literature, art and other social sciences have been useful catalysts in making this sexual revolution happen. Our society is now a melting pot of differing sexual orientations.
Gender and Identity   
These two important aspects of a persons life gender and identity, are important facets that are interrelated with each other. A persons sexual orientation is a big part of his or her identity in the same way that a persons identity is an indispensible part of his sexual orientation. A balance between these two aspects of ones life, whether in a traditional or deviant way, brings about harmony and peace into a persons life. Knowledge and acceptance of a persons identity and gender are important milestones in a persons development. 

Beautiful as this may sound, identity and gender development are not done easily. Shaping gender and identity takes a lot of time, experiences and events. It cannot be rushed each person has his or her own phase, although many believe that the initiation of gender and identity development occurs during adolescence. Factors that can affect the development of both gender and identity are the persons sex, family, heredity, society and life experiences. Good and bad experiences, especially those that have occurred in a persons formative years, have great effects in shaping a person gender and identity. But different people can react to different situations in different ways. A situation that can bring about a positive effect to a person can have the opposite effect on another. The difference lies on each persons inherent adaptation and defense mechanisms. It is on how a person reacts on these events, that mirrors who heshe is and who heshe can be. Life is a constant action and reaction, what happens in between changes us, shapes us, for better or for worse.

Adolescence Development Defined
Now more than ever, the youth faces challenges regarding their sexual orientation and personal identity. Aside from the inherent confusion and changes that adolescence brings, the youth of today is faced with the dilemma to conform to the traditionally accepted norms or to try to stand out with the more aggressive and newly accepted modes. Peer pressure, family pressure and other factors like academics can also affect an adolescents gender and identity development.

According to Wagner (n.d.) and Harders (2002) Erik Eriksons Stages of Development, adolescence is the stage where in a person experiences major physical and sexual changes that prepares the adolescents body for the adult functions it will be handling in the future.  This is also the time where curiosity about gender arises in the minds of the adolescent. The teenager also begins to yearn for independence, lay-out future plans and define, at least vaguely, what heshe wants to be in the future. Such a difficult stage, really, when you try to think of it. Youre body is changing and youre starting to question some deep rooted assumptions and principles about you and your society. You experience several emotions, desires and bodily functions that are foreign to you, foreign until now. You try to explain and rationalize these things, but all the explanations might confuse you all the more. without proper guidance and coaching from the family and adults and fellow adolescents in the society, yes, this stage can be difficult, both for the adolescent and the society.

The primary role of the adolescent stage is to achieve Role Identity and avoid Role Confusion. Role Identity is being able to understand and accept who you are as well as to clearly define and be comfortable with your role in the society where you exist. Role Confusion, on the other hand, is the presence of conflicting thoughts and emotions regarding ones identity and his or her roles in the society. This happen when the adolescent feels left out and undecided about his identity. Role confusion is normal at the early years of adolescence, but as the teenager grows, clarification of these roles as well as his sexual orientation for him or her to grow up as a healthy individual, ready to face the challenges and developmental tasks of the subsequent stages. Failure to establish role identity will result in result in more problems, especially in achieving the developmental tasks of the other stages.
Robert Havighurst (1972) further specified the general concept of Erik Erikson into more specific developmental tasks.
Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes. These includes establishing relationships with people of both  male and female, being able to communicate feelings and thoughts effectively, and forming emotional and long-lasting attachments, such as friendship or other relationships.

Fulfilling socially accepted malefemale role. This is where sexual orientation comes in. the adolescent needs to be able to make his or her choices regarding which sexual orientation he or she will conform to, be able to properly orient his or herself with the roles, responsibilities, and expectations in that particular sexual orientation and how he can contribute in the development of the society by fulfilling that role. Above all, the adolescent must be comfortable with this orientation .

Body image acceptance. Since much of the physical changes that prepare the person for adult roles occur during adolescence, it is important that the adolescent learn to accept his or her physique or body built, as well as other physical factors like weight, height and skin color. This can be a challenge since the society, more specifically the media, has long since inculcated in the minds of the people certain physical standards that makes a person beautiful, like thin body, long hair, white silky skin for females and muscular body, wavy hair and strong physique for males. adolescents lacking these characteristics may feel insecure and inferior towards those who are blessed with these characteristics, which can result into discrimination and low self-esteem.  Adolescents need to understand that beauty comes in many ways and there is no single cookie-cutter mold for beauty. Being able to use the body effectively means experiencing its full potential to achieve goals. It also means not abusing it through drugs and other forms of vices that may deem harmful to the body.

Being free from emotional dependence from parents and other adults in the society. Independence during adolescence can be defined as being able to knowing what you want, standing on your own, and making decisions for yourself that you know will benefit you in the future. Developing emotional independence from parents and other adults may take some time and it definitely needs some coaching and guidance from parents and other adults. Adolescents need to learn decision making procedures, that decision making takes time, and their choices, however big or small, greatly affects himherself, other people, the events of his or her life and the society . These foster a sense of responsibility for ones own welfare.

Emotional preparation for intimate relationships and family life. This is the perfect time to orient teenagers regarding marriage, sex and family life, because they can actually see and experience the changes that prepare their bodies and their selves for these matters. Early education regarding these matters also prevents untoward events like early marriage and pregnancy. Adolescent should be thought that pregnancy, parenthood and building a family requires years of emotional, physical and financial preparation and should be dealt with a responsible attitude .

Readiness for a profession. Adolescents should understand that to be able to survive in this world, they need to be educated in their chosen field in order have a job. Financial stability, as well as economic preparedness, is a principle that adolescents need to understand at these early stage. It fosters responsibility and professionalism, which are characteristics they will need in the future.

Development of a set of values, morals and ethics. Adolescents need role models and idols that they can look up to with pride. This brings about positive effects on a childs value formation. Adolescence is the stage where values, beliefs and principles acquired in childhood are further cemented and practice until it becomes a habit that the teenager carries for the rest of his or her life.

Having a socially responsible attitude. Adolescents should develop an inherent yearning to do what is right, to adhere to moral and ethical principles whatever his or her sexual orientation and personal identity may be. Doing right and being good are general principles that should be adhered to by all people regardless of race, age, gender and religion. Adolescents needs to develop the love for what is good and right, in fairness, justice and peace, so that they will grow up as responsible and law-abiding individuals. This can be particularly difficult because adolescents, in search of themselves, sometimes resort to rebellion as a form of self expression. Parents should be able to discipline them with a kind but firm attitude.

These developmental tasks need to be achieved in the span of adolescence. Some are easily achieved, some takes time. It takes a lot of experience, practice, interaction, guidance, decision-making and events to shape up an adolescents personal identity and sexual orientation. This is not always an easy and enjoyable process. Even the most demeaning events and adversities are necessary to develop inner strength and self reliance in an adolescent. Good experiences and happy moments are equally important to make an adolescents life memorable and easier to deal with.

The Society and Medias Role in the Youths Gender and Identity Development  
Naturally, adolescents cannot deal on these developmental processes alone. They need a support system, like their parents, teachers and other adults that has been on the similar journey and understand what it feels like to be a teenager. Parents, for the most part, are the principal front liners when it comes to dealing with and disciplining teenagers. Parents must understand that they have the greatest influence but not control over their adolescents. The difference maybe hair-thin but it is very significant, especially in decision making issues. Parents should always give their adolescents a chance to decide for themselves while being they become the safety nets that guides their children into making the best decisions. They should also understand, that they could no longer force a decision into the child, or decide for the teenager without consulting himher. Every option should be discussed and weighed not only by the parents but with the adolescent as well. In this way, the parents let their teenager feel a sense of freedom, self reliance and independence (which is a developmental task) while still being in control of their childrens welfare.
Open communication between the adolescent and parents is also a very important tool in helping them grow. Generation gaps can be present, especially when it comes in clothes, music and other forms of expression the adolescent thinks are necessary for their self development, but it can be bridged through proper communication. Parents need to fully understand the adolescents need for these things and value them too, even if they think that some of them are unnecessary or in excess. They also need to understand the adolescents need for privacy and confidentiality, and not misinterpret it as something bad. Adolescent are growing, literally and figuratively, and they need more space to breathe in and develop their talents.
The media, on the other hand, plays a big role in influencing the youth. Adolescents give a lot of importance on what is the latest trend in music, print and multimedia. They follow bands, tv shows, athletes, actors and actresses and movies as closely as a fanatic follows a religion. This is because of their inherent need for mentors, idols and role models, someone or something to imitate and believe in because they are too confused to believe themselves.
That is why second to the parents, the media a big role in the adolescents gender and identity development. Responsible broadcasting and journalism is the key to avoid negative influences to adolescents. Censorship and proper regulation of what an adolescent can and cannot watch should be implemented not only by the government, but by the media companies and publications themselves. Actors, actresses, musician and athletes should act as role models themselves by leading good lives.

Being part of what people call The Youth Today is not easy. Aside from being stigmatized as being young, inexperienced, nave and immature, the youth of today faces more than what was an average adolescence generations ago. They live in a culture that provides more choices, but more room for ridicule and judgment. They also live in a society of high technology and fast-paced living, but leaves no room for mistakes. These and all the factors mentioned in this research work make being an adolescent today harder than before.
But the adolescents search for identity and sexual orientation need not be a rough road all the time. With the proper guidance, acceptance and understanding of the society, these teenagers can grow into what our heroes call us the hope of our nations. The media always plays a big role in assuring that the youth grows into morally and ethical upright, as well as law abiding men and women of the future. as a Case Study.

The article is mainly about the emergence and high popularity of dot-coms since the inception of the internet. These internet sites suddenly transformed our lifestyle and culture since they were created. They have greatly influenced our  attitudes toward work, money, and business in the 1990s, and the larger  social impact they have had on our culture.  The dot-coms companies are also great avenues for financial gain as they provide a wide array of opportunities. One of these dot-coms companies that have endured the collapse of the technology market and successfully remained in the business is the, a company that  dominates the world both in terms of market share and brand recognition.  The company started as the worlds biggest online bookstore. However, the company continuously diversifies and expands and sells other things like toys, movies and music (Massanari, 2006).
    The article is a case study focusing on the letters sent the companys CEO, Jeff Bezos, sent to the shareholders in 1997 and 2001. The letters include the annual reports of the company that have been made as public documents accessible to the companys website. The documents are analyzed in light of the companys motto,  Work hard. Have fun. Make history. Make money.  Through the letters sent by Bezos, he transcend the message to his peers and employees, the companys values and financial reports. Thus, the letters embody the aforementioned companys motto and how it was delivered to the recipients. However, the letters also implicitly stated the great financial opportunities in the dot-coms business. The information and the message in the letters reflect the cultural values deemed important in a company and provides vital insights into the business culture of dot-coms companies (Massanari, 2006).
    In my opinion, the article is well-written and contains valuable information for the people in the executive and managerial positions, especially in the online business. The article is easy to read and understandable. The subheadings make it easier for the reader to understand the topic of the series of paragraphs. The overall presentation of the facts and information is good and adapts to its readers.
    The topic discussed by the article is timely and contemporary for the sudden popularity of the dot-coms companies and other internet sites. There are millions of internet sites that cater various goods and services to the global consumers. The article reviewed and analyzed the themes of the letters by the Amazon.coms CEO, Jeff Bezos, which reflected the companys motto. The themes embodied in the letters provide vital information and is a great addition to the cyberculture studies. Moreover, the companys motto as reflected in the companys letters contains important cultural values that should be present in every workplace. The analysis of the letters are very consistent and aligned on the companys motto. The  Make money  that is personally added by the author only shows the great financial opportunity in the dot-coms companies. Moreover, it shows that when the members of the company work hard, they are eventually rewarded due to the success of the company.
    The author of the article, Adrienne Massanari, is an authority on the subject as she teaches DigitalNew Media at Loyola University in Chicago. She graduated with a PhD at the University of Washington and taught at the same university for some time. She also authored numerous articles pertaining to cyberculture and new media.
    The article is an effective piece of literature for its target audience, especially the working class holding top positions in a company. The article provides new and vital information on important corporate values as well as an insight on one of the top dot-coms companies. The article is interesting and worthwhile as it is entertaining and educational at the same time. It is a great addition on the  must-reads  of the executive people to gather inspiration and tips in managing people and company.

Final Presentation Career Center Interview Paper.

     Post graduation, a career search requires a fundamental premise to attain favorable results. The supporting Power Point presentation provides an informative foundation to be most effective during the progression into the working world.
     Many types of communication are encountered in interviews. Interpersonal communication is the cornerstone of a job interview because of the objectives that the participants share. The job seekers ultimate goal is to get the job. Begin with a plan (Plantier, 1994). Through a preparation process that starts before applying to the position, the job seeker insures a thorough self-presentation that is proficient and offers the potential employer the candidature required for the job. Though the potential employers interviewer prepares to acquire additional information from the job seeker, he, or she is presenting the position and organization as a job seekers primary choice for a job. 
     In addition to interpersonal communication, the job seeker may be required to meet with other people to complete the interview process. This common practice may be done in a group or individually. Some of the individuals that may be involved in the hiring process include human resources representatives, departmental managers, and supervisors. Each individual plays an integral part in the screening process. As a team, following procedures and maintaining clear communication is important to arrive at a consensus of who will be offered the position.  There also may be other requirements such as skill evaluations, surveys, background screening, and drug panel testing. Most organizations partner with third party companies utilizing todays technology to complete these tasks in-house, via extranet portals, to remain efficient during the screening process. This is in addition to online tools used to search for candidates, such as career planning websites and job banks.
     The job seeker should become familiar with the potential employer by researching the organizations website or company profile in a business journal. Learning the background on how the organization was founded may provide broad insight on the value system and business culture that it operates by. Whether a company operates strictly by the guidance of its executive officers or a companywide inclusive philosophy, is important for a job seeker to know in order to make an informed decision if a job offer is extended. During the interview, if the conversation entertains facets of the organizations background, the job seeker is able to participate in the discussion in a seamless manner. Such planning is vital if the organization is located outside of the country. This includes adjusting to customs of a different culture or learning some of the language. An interviewer is impressed by such forethought and display of respect.
     For many job seekers its not just the economy that is costing them the job they want. Its bad preparation, even after two, three, four years of college (Stuart, 2008). When preparing for an interviewer, the job seeker should consider the possibilities of how the interview may be conducted. The primary interviewer can occur by phone or video conference. Video conference is often to include visual presentation or interactive tasks. Either could also occur later during the interview process, so a job seeker is strongly encouraged to be prepared to conform to the interviewers format.
    At the time of the interview, the job seeker should be at his, or her, most observant. When meeting with the company interviewer, consider his, or her, manner of approach. Is the demeanor pleasant, subdued, or high-pitched with eagerness If greeted by an interviewer that is in a subdued manner, it is best not to come on too strong, or gruff. Reciprocate by shaking hands, maintaining eye contact, confident posture and smile. This exchange of nonverbal communication sets the tone of the interview.
     Listening and the exchange of oral communication are paramount during the interview. The job seeker may be asked questions about his, or her, academic career, internships, as well as past employment experiences. Along with people who can work with the new technology, newspapers are also crying for people who can report on it (Carfagno, 1998). Discussing achievements journalism and technological skills related to job, such as desktop publishing or imaging editing in college are significant points that the interviewer will want to hear. Other skills in technology can be a plus for the seeker. Organizations are pleased to see an applicant with several technology skills to enhance the position to be filled.
     The job seeker should ask pertinent questions about the responsibilities to show interest in the job.
    While an interview is going well, it is not uncommon for the conversation to change course or a question catches the job seeker off guard.  If a question cannot be answered, saying so is appropriate. If you dont understand a question, ask for it to be repeated or rephrased (Yaseen, Girvin, 1999). The variety of questions will provide insight to the job seekers communication skills and how well they may apply to the position and interacting with others. Different scenarios may be presented regarding strict editing deadlines or availability. Keeping in mind that the interviewer requires this information should be encouraging for the applicant to remain attentive.
     Practicing the interview is a good ease any nervousness and also can help to correct negative nonverbal communication. Many times an individual is not unaware of small habits that may draw attention. The job seeker must maintain awareness of his, or her, facial expressions and body movements during the interview. Avoid grimacing, thumb twiddling, or any other negative nonverbal expressions. This could give the interviewer the impression that a potential candidate has not been interviewed. Practicing on tape is another way to improve the presentation of nonverbal communication.
     Succeeding in an interview begins with preparing efficiently. On-line job hunting is fast becoming the coolest way to find jobs and make valuable connections (Melkonian, 1996). Presenting a well-constructed resume and cover letter is the first impression of the job seeker. These documents, and e-mail communications, will be the deciding factor whether or not an interview will be granted. Technology provides resources for filing and storing several copies of this information for good organization. Copies of story clips included in a current portfolio should also be prepared. Have your portfolio ready at all times (Lake, 2002).
     Technology also allows the job seeker to post his, or her, credentials on a job website. This increases the chances of being contacted for an interview. Social networking is another technological channel used in todays job search. Job hopefuls network and make new connections in the business world. This is a good platform to use good technology and interpersonal skills to foster solid professional relationships. Organizations also use social networking for recruiting purposes in addition to career websites. Social networking allows an organization to present a good image. This is appealing to job seekers.
     Online tools are also available to assist with resume and cover letter creation. The job seeker can choose from a variety of templates, such as basic, chronological, or professional. The layout of a professional resume tends to highlight the career qualifications. These resources also suggest to the job seeker specific words and phrases that should be included to make the document rise above the competition, making it more appealing to the potential employer.
     Career counseling services can also be found online if job seekers choose to have one-on-one coaching during the job search. Some services can be accessed online, such as webinars, tutorials, and live coaching sessions. Many individuals find this type of service to be invaluable when entering the professional world after graduation.
      The scope of journalism jobs has broadened to allow the job seeker greater access to technological advances. Job seekers can look forward to using these resources to provide high quality material with a competitive edge throughout his, or her, career.

British Cinema Closer to Hollywood Cinema Model or Typical European Art Cinema An Analysis of Style and Content.

Today, The British Cinema can be unequivocally said to have come of age, for it is not only a major player in the contemporary movie industry, it is indeed one of the most respected in the industry across the globe. The reason behind its universal acceptance is not unconnected with the fact that it has come along way, for its history dates as far back as the nineteenth century. To be precise, Britain witnessed her first moving pictures in 1889, in London.  The brain behind this novelty was a British scientist named William Friese Greene, who secured a patent right on it in 1890. Since this occurrence, the British cinema has since witness diverse development, recording numerous productions of immense commercial success.

However, in the recent past, despite its phenomenal success spread over the years, the British cinema has witnessed arguments about its identity. Stake holders have begun to question the cultural inclination of British Cinema. Is it gradually becoming similar to Hollywood cinema or it has chosen to follow the path of European art Cinema This problem of identity question can only be satisfactorily answered by explicitly delving into a background analysis of these three cinema industries.
History of British Cinema
Since the advent of the first film in London, British cinema witnessed a rather complicated development, with diverse cultural movements developing independently. The industry weathered several booms and recessions due to diverse reasons. The recession was basically due to the increasing competition of the Hollywood. The very early British Cinemas had two major categories, which are non-fiction movies, called documentary and the fiction movies. The fictions were mainly based on moral and cultural issues. Before the World war, fictions were made popular but the advent of the war developed the popular documentary films, which films makers used extensively. The British film industry started churning out films using documentary techniques, which were designed to promote the profiles of the nations at war. These war-time films were used to highlight the effects of war on the people.
Post-War Period
The Postwar period simply continued to develop on the success recorded during the war, hitting another peak of creativity. During this period, British film achieved major international recognition, recording enormous success on films like The Red Shoes and Hamlet. Suddenly after this early post war period, in the 1950s to be precise, the British film industry started to focus on dramas about the World War and other famous comedies, concentrating more on the local audience. The films were usually based o true life stories and were not the based on the usual glamorous budget of the Hollywood movies. At this point, the British cinema became quite similar to the European Art cinema, producing series of satires on culture and life style in Britain. It was during this period that horror movie also started to crop up in the industry and before the end of 1950s, horror movies had become tremendously successful. By this time, the censorship rules had been made less strict.
New wave
Perhaps the new censorship rules and the change in British attitude towards materialism led to what can be called the New Wave era.  This was an era where British cinema witness a movement called the social realistic movement. The set of films produced during this period were based on individual struggles against social forces ( Hindmarsh J,1997). The industry started producing films that exposed the struggles of the working class in maintaining their identity in the increasing materialistic Britain. These films challenged the prejudice against the common man that gradually wanted to turn materialism into the common culture of all British Citizens. The noble efforts of the working class, which was continuously being ignored and gradually becoming seen as irrelevant by the upper class, was highlighted in the movies of this period, emphasizing on the importance of the noble acts of the noble workers.
Immediately after this period, British delved into films on issue that used to be taboo in Britain. These issues include things like homosexuality, abortion, rape etc. The styles of these films were romantic, creative, and special, for they created a new perspective to the diverse issues. With this new liberalism acquired in the British film industry, it became universally successful, with stories revolving around sex and nudity. One major hit was James Bond, a film particularly known for its peculiar style of soft violence that was married sexuality. The James Bond series was so famous that the British film industry soon moved towards spy films. Detectives and spy began playing protagonist role in the British films industry during this period. This spy plot became so famous that it attracted the even American producers. It was during this period that American producers infiltrated the British film industry, financing many of the British movies, one of these producers include Joseph Losey. However, before the end of the decade, traces of social realism was beginning to be observed in the British movie industry again.

By the year 1975, the British movie industry had sobered down and the horror films had come to an abrupt end. The films produced during this period tend to be inferior to that of Hollywood. The nudity was however not reduced. Pornographic films had the opportunity to take over from the horror, but the industry witnessed the worst recession ever during this period.
British cinema in the 1990 till date
The home market was low at this period, but received commercial success in the United States. The unexpected success achieved abroad led to a new set of British romantic comedies, which also achieved great success. The desire for British comedy films was rekindled leading to production of   The Full Monty in 1997. The film had a production budget of less than 5million but achieved a net profit of well over 25o million. Ever since this success till date, British films have since been continuously being on the global market and the local market too grown substantially.
The British film industry and Hollywood
Despite its phenomena global success, the British Films market can not be compared with the classical American Hollywood. The typical Hollywood was full of high cost blockbuster which British films can not compete with due to its relatively small market structure. Again, the British films all have a tangible amount of original traditional British culture proportions in them. Hollywood Films with American culture were uncommon and even the popular American cultural film, Star Wars had major UK locations.
However, the Hollywood films have had a great influence on British films, for Hollywood generates work for British films industry. Nevertheless, British film industry still maintains to produce cultural inclined films, with several British stories and histories embedded in them. The British film industry has continued to show a mixed attitude towards Hollywood because the Hollywood does not only seems to limits British culture, it also controls the distribution of British films and thus influence the profit of British films in the world market.  Hollywood films have their peculiar nature of over flogging issues like human will.
The Art cinema
The British Art cinema has been in existence since 1950s, it has a predominant style inclined towards arts and theatre. Works from this genre requires a level of intelligence to understand and were usually extensively discussed theoretically in a journal title Screen Education, a paper analysis of British art films. 
 The features of these films include low budget, limited audience and cultural inclined stories. However, with producers like Peter Greenaway introducing new innovations like computer accelerated images, the industry stated witnessing wider audience.
This genre has a peculiar visual style with quite distinctive narrative themes. The movies have musical and highly creative plots.
 Between 1970s and 1980s, technology has developed this industry and it became quite popular for producing films with immense special effects. Such films it produced include Superman, and Batman. Before long, this industry became quite famous for its stop-motion animation. However, these films achieved these visual effects at a relatively lower cost than the films produced in Hollywood.
Nevertheless, till present, these films have integrated digital production with special effects, colour grading, cutting and other professional features similar with those of Hollywood.
Virtually all of these films portrayed many British culture, attitudes and histories. They were less political in nature and focused more on diverse British life. The industry would witness a change in attitude as the society witness too. It was an avenue in expressing the mind of the society. Unlike the Hollywood block busters, the industry was used as a voice in expressing the strong cultural inclination of its diverse producers. The audience remains the British citizens, which enjoyed observing their culture in their films, irrespective of the increasingly changing societal ways.
However, by the year 2006, the industry had penetrated into the hearts of both youth and adults, witnessing a remarkable growth in profile. Movies that were previously not appreciated suddenly began to witness regular patronage in the capitals cinemas. An example of films produced in this genre includes Adulthood, a film produced in 2008, which succeeded in wining a BAFTA award.
Classical Hollywood cinema
Like the two other industries discussed above, the Classical Hollywood cinema has its own history, style and features too. This includes distinctive visual and sound style. This genre is popular for what is known as invisible style, a name coined from the nature of the camera and the sound recording that never draw attention to themselves.
The major pattern of this industry was the Western nature of all its films. It has a culture of producing movies of either political in nature or biographic and has less cultural inclination like the two previously mentioned industries. It films were usually biographies of political leaders or important citizens. Animated cartoons, musicals, comedies etc and other issues are also included in these films. However, this industry was always in need for fresh material, for the market was extremely large and has no equal across the globe.
The industry has quite an elaborated style, influenced greatly by Renaissance ideas, such as the rebirth of human. It was thus full of psychological motivation, portraying the strong nature of human will and also the struggles of man in achieving his dreams. The industry focuses on the use of things like facial expression, gestures, flash backs etc to highlight its plots. The action is mildly addressed towards the spectator and costumes were designed distinctively. The industry, like the British counter part, witnessed diverse periods over time, which were three major periods namely, silent film era, classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood.
Hollywood films can be divided into two major categories which are Blockbusters and independent films Blockbusters are films with extremely high budgets released yearly in order to make profit. These films are quite unparalleled anywhere across the globe. These films revolve around spectacle and high production value, with an enormous budget that worth several hundred of thousand of dollars. The advertising of such films are usually massive, attracting vast number of audience.
Independent films on the other hand are movies made with relatively small budgets and often autonomously of the studio corporation. This type of movies in order to make up for its low cost, focus on high professional quality in terms of acting, directing, screenwriting, and other elements associated with production. Extensive creativity and innovation are applied to such films. These are films more similar to the British counter part.
Comparism of the three
At this juncture, with all the above enumeration, it can be observed that the British film industry is remarkably different from the Hollywood films. As explained earlier, Hollywood has a larger market, wide spread audience, has extensive high budget which British film can not favourably compare with. Despite the success of the British films, it has a tradition of producing films, even with high visual effects at a relatively low cost. Again, over time, the British audience was fewer to the American counter part. The British film industry is also more culturally inclined than the America counter part. The films produced in Britain all had cultural identity, identifying with the culture and histories of the British people. However, the American films were usually Western films portraying strong nature human will and other non- cultural issues.
Since the 1970s, British films have always been distinguished with a visual style, uncommon to Hollywood. It focuses on low-key lighting and unbalanced compositions. It has touched diverse genres from melodrama, to romance, to satires and detective to mention but few. Unlike the Hollywood films, British films can not use setting as a determinant of it genre. American films on its own basically use setting to determine it genre.
Finally, in the recent past, due to the persistence question of the nature of British films, British films were subjected into a cultural identity. The stake holder increasingly became concern about films produced in British loosing a peculiar identity customary to British film. They eventually came up with three question to help in setting this issue right, these question are namely,
Is the production and filming based in the UK
Are the cast, crew andor producers come from the EEA (European Economic Area)
Cultural content  is the film set in the UK, are the characters British
Till present there has been no particular consensus on the particular nature of British films. But the films identity has revolved around cultural content, cultural hubs and cultural practitioners. Films that score an average mark in these three categories will be identified as British films.
However, the British film industry can be said to be more similar to the art cinema of the British. The art cinema has same cultural attitude with the British cinema, showcasing the history and culture of the British citizens. Again, these two film industries share similar creativity in both narrative style and acting. Their budgets are also quite low compared to the American counterpart. Thus one can rightly claim that the British film industry has both similarities and feature to the British art cinema. Summarily, the Hollywood film industry has its own share of quite different identity.
Intercultural communication has become a prominent issue with the development of both research and experience highlighting its impact on developing social, political and economic development. This is not just ambiguous or broad concept but has very personal implications to how individuals will perceive and respond. Gudykunst (2005) points out that both culture and communication are challenging fields of study because of their multiplicity but at the same time, there is a common need for expression and acceptance or tolerance.  However, the development of intercultural communication centred programs is not a common competency in organizations and development of cultural and communication sensitivity is not element in even some of the most extensive professional development programs.
Needs Assessment
    Switzerland, in general is attracting a wide variety of cultures. Lugano, in particular because of its geographic and economic situation is attracting a significant wave of migrants. Statistics from the government show that diversity is not just growing but that new migrants are coming from outside continental Europe which represents a significant change from previous trends (see Appendix A). The implication is that though Luganos existing cultural responsiveness will have to deal with challenges that may well lie beyond their existing competencies. The trend has also been observed in the rest of Europe and social or public services have been among the institutions that have raised concerns for the issue. According to Hudelson and associates (2009) there is overwhelming evidence that programs are being undermined by the cultural and communication barriers. Similarly, Anand (2000) and Lucas (2003) have pointed out that this has also contributed to social development since it directly impedes individuals productivity and social representation. The aforementioned authors however also recognize that developing specific programs regarding the issue is difficult because of the complexity of issues that need have to be accommodated and the variance in the context of applications.
    Further examination of statistics show that though there is a breakdown of migrant origins for those from continental Europe, classification for EU-27 and non-European countries are less detailed. This may be an indication that is still deficiencies in empirical data or a minimalization of the importance of such data. The lack of cultural understanding often becomes the source of greater conflict since it is so intimately related with ones self-identity, values and motivations. In a similar manner, perceived lack of communication channels and sensitivity to cultural issues have also been seen as a deterrent to social participation or empowerment and thus has underlying implication to social and economic development. This also implies the need to develop sensitivity and responsiveness to intercultural communication issues is a concern that has to be brought to the consciousness of the general public. This requires a collective recognition of these developing trends and the modification of perspectives that will enhance the capacity to deal with cultural and communication barriers without bias to either home or host country.
Proposal Brief Global Toolkit
    The Global Toolkit (GT) workshop is a workshop designed to provide organizations an opportunity to become abreast of intercultural communication issues and guide them in exploring their existing competencies to develop their own intercultural communication initiatives. The GT The project will be made available first to public service provider offices though all other interested organization will also be welcomed. Each workshop session will last for one day with a standard of fifteen participants. Initial implementation of the programs is aimed to be conducted in conjunction with existing continuing professional development (CPD) or organization development (OD) programs.
Workshop Vision and Objectives
    The vision of the workshop is to institute intercultural communication as an integral element in professional development and delivery of public services. In doing so, it will increases existing competencies to accommodate developing diversity in society and will develop a capacity to utilize diversity into social development initiatives. The GT workshop will then be successful in engaging interest and discussion to developing issues in intercultural communication and at the same time provoke positive and responsive action among workshop participants in their respective organizations
    The objectives of the workshop are as follows
To orient workshop participants solid conceptual and theoretical frameworks in intercultural communication
To elicit discussion of intercultural communication issues in their organization or workplace
To allow them to experience developing initiatives that can enhance intercultural communication
To create support and social networks for advancing intercultural communication knowledge and practice after the workshops
Workshop Agenda
ModuleIntervalStrategies FormatWorkshop orientation15 minutesIntercultural communication introduction30 minutesLecturePresentation of current theoretical perspectives45 minutesLectureDeveloping implications to professionaloccupational practice45 minutesLectureSession break15 minutesOpen discussion60 minutesForumAdhoc development30 minutesGroup workLunch Break60 minutesAdhoc development120 minutesGroup workAdhoc presentations90 minutesGroup workWorkshop synthesis30 minutes
Explanation Rationale
The conceptual framework for the workshops rationale can be outlines as follows
Theoretical Perspectives
Why communication is important in understanding culture
Coordinated management of meaning
Speech codes
Why it is important to factor in culture in effective communication
Culture-based communication constraints
Impact to Practice
Developing communication accommodation
Applications of expectancy
Recognizing the importance of identity and identifications
Managing resistance, conflict and misconceptions
Creating new standards for cultural understanding and communications
The workshop will reinforce concept learned in the course of intercultural communication studies. The workshop primary tasks during the course of the lecture is to outline why communication is critical in developing cultural understanding and how in turn, cultural issues impact how people communicate. This dynamic relationship illustrates how intercultural communication is a consequent of these independent phenomenons and how it has to be studied in both contexts. This reinforces coordinated management of meaning which highlights the need to develop insights into coordination action with others as well as the management of meanings. At the same time, this also highlights the communal nature of the study, emphasizing that different groups communication systems are based social, cultural, political and economic dynamics  Another theory that will play a critical role in the discussion of intercultural communication is face-negation theory to acknowledge response to possible areas of conflict or constraints for the application of programs and interventions. Practicing principles to support intercultural communication requires the development of accommodation capacity, recognizing the implications of identity and the mechanism of identification and principles such as that outline in theories such as applications of expectancy.  The need to promote effective intercultural communication strategies is a pervasive however there is also a realization that instituting such strategies requires significant effort. Thus, there is a need to streamline efforts to ensure that education and competency development for the issue results to positive results.

Investigative Journalism.

Modern investigative journalism and views
The website discredits people who argue that bloggers aren t better placed to do investigative journalism. It gives a fascinating insight into modern investigative journalism and views newspapers folks who firmly argue that they monopolize investigative venture as people who live in an imaginary world. For instance, it snubs publishers who refer to such organizations simply because of the subjects concerned and the legal consequences likely to be faced by independent bloggers. This is appalling as the website does not take into consideration the privacy or the synonymous circumstances under which individual bloggers can operate. Furthermore the website considers intimidation from investigators as the reason why big organizations are able to handle probable outcomes. It considers the profitability and the goodwill of established newspapers as the potential threat to wrongdoers intending to sue them. Nevertheless, it provides a forum for whistleblowers and encourages them to blog anonymously and report societal evils. The website also raises a red flag to mischievous personalities and informs them plainly the magnitude of the cross they will carry if they do not maintain the ethical standards accepted by the society. Finally, this website is the appropriate forum for upcoming and  established  bloggers as it candidly provides encouragement to them and fore-sees that they will overtake newspapers before the year 2020.
2. Chavkin Investigative Journalism Program
The welfare of investigative journalists
This website is dedicated with the Investigative Journalism Fund and the Awards for Integrity in Journalism. Journalists who have undertaken projects that positively contribute to social justice are rewarded through the Journalism Fund. It has laid strategies to accomplish this goal by funding grants to upcoming and established writers whose research projects pledge to bring light pressing. It analyses these reports both in the traditional setting and in the modern globalized environment and stresses issues and events ignored by the mainstream media. It further promotes transparency and accountability by setting a criterion upon which the awards are competitively awarded. Journalists will find this website fascinating because of its conceptual clarity, salience, urgency of focus and originality. It is educational and establishes an adjudicating committee which ranks competing projects and gives priority to research projects falling in socio-economic justice, human rights, corruption, accountability, environment and climate change, gender equality, HIVAIDS, democracy, health issues, among others. The website is very authoritative as it provides an application package for journalists intending to compete with their well researched and written articles. Outstanding investigative reporters are guaranteed an attractive package for their commitments in exposing social injustice and oppression and documenting the icons for social justice and democracy. 
3. Investigative Journalism alive and well across the pond
Leadership, a consequence of Investigative Journalism
The website is vocal in criticizing the US mainstream media while praising the Daily Mail of Britain and the true investigative media. If you haven t known by now, carefully read this site, you will realize that investigative reporting is an art which has succumbed in the US. However, in Britain reporters and journalists have exemplified it as a science which they use to empirically infer to the outcomes of their culture. Readers will be taken on a rare tour to map out the politics, corruption, and the phobia of the Britons towards Obama. Indeed it provides a step by step account of the Obama history as he enviously cruised the ladder to the Oval office. Journalism history account of Obama s father is heralded in the website with nave descriptions of his character. You are sure to know that  a drunk and a bigot  is what summarizes the character of Obama Sr. according to the authors of the website. Dreams from my father is quoted on the website and investigations for this website are carried out by the Daily mail. Readers can also discover that Obama s father was deeply flawed besides being an abusive bigamist who destroyed his life due to his own weakness. Readers reading through the homepage are finally assured that someday investigative journalism will return to the home of the brave and land of the free- US.
4. Local TV News Project
Investigative Journalism despite the Odds
The website provides statistics on investigative reporting. Initially it concludes that local news stations do investigative reporting in their day to day news reporting. Now readers can know that 75 of news rooms actually do investigative reporting, this is computed from a survey of 103 newsrooms. However, stations reporting full time investigative features are much lower at 25. Further statistics paint a grim picture of investigative reporting as the website puts it for the overall percentage of all stations doing investigative reporting stands at 2. The website goes on to report that 25 of all stations have acknowledged that they don t do investigative work at all. This website introduces mangers who initiate investigative work and support their journalists in finding investigative news regardless of the consequences. Sponsors have also been featured on this site, and they have been portrayed to be against investigative reporting. The site is very interactive because it features every person involved in investigative reporting i.e., from journalists, reporters, managers, sponsors and clients. Readers will find opinions of every party researched statistics on investigative journalism. Consequently, investigative journalism exposes the private aspect of our leaders thus placing the reader in a better position to accept the value investigative journalism plays in the society.
5 Examples of Online Investigative Journalism
Investigative reporting exposes government scams 
The website is very interactive, it investigates  investigative reporting on the web  hence creating a one on one atmosphere of finding the solution to investigative journalism. Readers visiting this website will actually be in a  crisis page . The future of investigative journalism is candidly scrutinized in this website by veteran journalists who have been at it for several decades. Among these are ex-wall street journal, New York Times, ABC, and PBS personalities. They explore the pros and cons of investigative journalism and the appropriateness of it in reporting, probable consequences, and the necessary strategic measures to be employed incase of ensuing lawsuits. Visitors to this website will benefit from the arguments cultivated and the solutions and strategies of ethically reporting investigative information. This interactive forum will allow every visitor with an opportunity to professionally do investigative reporting on the web. It provides several contemporary examples of online investigative journalism such as the investigative reporting of the Center for Public Integrity s several online reports that have influenced politics hence winning the Polk Awards and the Windfall of War elucidating the influence contractors on military spending in Afghanistan and Iraq. And the investigation of congress whereby the sunlight investigated congressional spouses and exposed 19 spouses who were on the payroll among so many other reports.
6. Greenslade Blog
Awarding investigative reporters
The website gives insight into independent investigative journalism in Britain and values the 2 million grant by the Potter Charity Foundation. Investigative journalism is implored as a valuable source of information to the general citizenry and it acts as the public watchdog. Being the first major contribution scheme, it is non-profit initiative financed by investigative reporters. Readers can easily navigate through the pages and they will find out that the website is dedicated to foster independent public interest journalistic inquiry while encouraging a new generation of upcoming investigative reporters. The website has been founded with the goal of maintaining investigative journalism of the highest moral and ethical standards and to consciously search for sustainable models for its long time future. The website has been devoted to investigative journalism as a platform for transforming and producing the positive effect adduced to reporting and promoting new talent. In this website the modus operandi of crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing are entrusted for providing content across the media spectrum. The fund provided in the website enables investigative reporters to confidently deliver great stories which may be concealed by powerful people. The bureau s objective is to operate as a journalism production house by selling stories touching public interest to newspapers, magazines, and the electronic media. What is more, the bureau funds freelance contributors.
Celebrities private lives  revealed by investigative reporters
Investigative journalism is given a new dimension in this website. It explores investigative journalists who investigate the lives of celebrities and report their findings to the celebrity s audience. In this website, several celebrities  private lives have been documented. From Kate Winslet to Will Smith and the lives of prominent politicians are also featured on this site. Such stories as to who the celebrity dates, who their parents are, their siblings, whom they divorced, their kids among so many petty stories form the content of this website. Also in this site is the financial worth of celebrities, the albums they have produced, how much they have sold, the awards won, past, present and future concerts and where they will spend or where they spent the honeymoon is the sort of information on this website. Readers looking for their celebrity s favorite meal or where hiher favorite shopping mall will find the information on this website. Who makes hisher hair, what beauty products does your favorite celebrity use for make-up and how much did they buy this and that apartment, what have they invested and much more is what has been featured on this website. Finally, the website dedicates blogs to its readers who wish to leave comments on their favorite celebrities.
8. The ambassador s weblog
Investigative Journalists under siege
This is an investigative journalist blog it is passionate about the information exposed by investigative journalists and features the difficulty circumstances under which these journalists work. More often, they risk persecutions, law suits and harassment from powerful people who have directly been affected by stories published or aired. This website holds that investigative journalism is an indispensable career and reinforces these journalists as the ones who monitor the authorities and hold them accountable for their actions or lack of it. For instance, investigative journalists will document every detail politicians promise the electorate and make subsequent follow-ups in case they default. They always write and remind these politicians to fulfill their pledges to the electorate, constantly interview them and record the slightest flaws these politicians utter. This has ultimately constrained the journalistofficial relationship and created a lovehate relationship-without much love. This website has sought to maintain the consistency of the utterances of public officials otherwise officials who contradict themselves find them in a weird position when they are asked to clarify the inconsistency of their words. Should you want to be acquainted with the freedoms of free speech and the right to access documents and learn high techniques of investigative journalism then this is the website which carries all the details and tricks of investigative journalism.
9. Investigative Journalism in Canada
Canadian laws guarantee professional reporting
The website has explored the legislation in Canada that establishes the latest defense to defamation. This law  responsible communication on a matter of public importance  renews Canada s defamation law and grants freedom to the journalists to investigate issues of public importance. The law requires that individual journalists and news organizations formulate guidelines for investigative journalists. For instance, it guarantees investigative journalists the freedom of taking pictures freely from scenes of public interest either through hidden cameras or in an appropriate manner provided their safety and security is ensured under such circumstances. The website devotes various ways through which routine journalistic decision making differs between different media houses. For example, some media houses may wish to publish the names of criminal offenders in a court proceeding while others will suppress the names of people accused of violent robbery. Some will only publish the names if they are determined to follow the case until its final judgment. The website identifies grey journalistic areas and exclusively defines the practices which are frowned upon and which can be seen to be acceptable in exceptional circumstances and subjectively interprets circumstances under which investigative journalism is crucial and secure. Finally, investigative journalism may be responsible to rely on confidential sources and withhold such sources so as to press forward with the subject matter and get more details which might have been missing from the content at hand.
10. Investigative journalism is alive and snooping in the Middle East
Press freedom index in Middle East
The website candidly assures investigative journalists in the Middle East to keep up the spirit of journalism and tirelessly work without fear or intimidation despite the hostility of the present governments towards them. Here reporters without borders (RWB) have compiled a report covering 173 countries. Middle East countries such as Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Iran scored poorly in press freedom. Overall, these countries were not among the top 100 (2008 Press Freedom Index). However, Qatar, Lebanon, UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait have press freedom in their constitutions and hence investigative journalists can work freely and expose government scams and other societal evils. However, this does not exclusively grant investigative journalists the vanguard of free speech. The website has identified several cases of investigative journalists who have been suspended from publishing, others fined due to  defamation  and others imprisoned. This website reveals that investigative journalism is stigmatized in the Middle East and automatically becomes seditious because almost all problems in the Middle East have a political background. Unfortunately suppressing investigative journalism has perpetuated good governance and bred corruption, mismanagement of funds, increased poverty, and constrained infrastructural development. Audiences to this website will find chilling accounts of both individual and organizational outcries of investigative journalists.
11. Suite
Protecting sources of information
Here investigative journalism is defined and appropriate criterion identified through which a journalist qualifies to be called an investigator.  First, a journalist by virtue of hisher profession can never be silent. Journalism is the ultimate virtue and the supreme fault it is obligated to speak immediately when the facts of the subject are still fresh. Consequently, investigative journalism must rely on documents related to the story, phone conversations, and pictures of key players, recordings and witness descriptions of events. Naturally, an investigative report starts as a rumor and may pester the journalist for attention.  This website then gives a step by step account of the investigative process through from the initial search for information related to story then documenting anything useful they can find. Secondly, they use the slightest details to investigate the story. This site has also provided useful tips for upcoming and existing journalists and stresses that investigative journalists must protect their sources at all costs regardless of the consequences so as to maintain the trust of hisher source. This is because most information may have come from individuals working in the institution that has been exposed. Thus it is ethical to protect this source for the sake of their jobs and the trust they might have portrayed.
12. The Center for Investigative Journalism
Training investigative journalists
This web-site represents the Center for Investigative Journalism, a non-profit company, which provides in-house trainings, holds summer schools and regular courses. At the same time the organization offers assistance to journalists who intend to work under especially difficult and dangerous situations. The web-site also serves as a resource center for those interested in researching the topic. It offers a great variety of resources also in audio and video formats. A separate page introduces the recent publications in the field of investigative journalism. There are fascinating tutorials on investigative journalism and satisfactory information and links that provide training needs to emerging journalists who are interested in investigating the ills consuming the society and in addition they are ready to share that information to the public without fear, intimidation or compromise. This website has quick links that make navigation through the site enjoyable. This is an interactive website and it widely discusses various facets of investigative journalism such as education, investigative reporting, personal blogs of investigative journalists, as well as private journalists offering their services. The web-site obliges the media organizations to provide training handbooks for journalists covering various topics, which are essential in investigative journalism. This is very vital because of the sensitivity associated with materials obtained and published bearing in mind that concerned parties are influential and can initiate civil suits in courts of law.
13. Global Investigative Journalism Network
Investigative journalism hub
This web-site dedicates educational materials that are essential in investigative journalism. It has devoted vital information that outlines how investigative journalists should collect alarming information and the starting point of exposing such materials which of course should be in the interest of the general public. This web-site is internationally accredited because it provides useful insights to investigative journalists throughout the world. It doesn t restrict itself to specific journalists but rather universally explores this field and posts various websites in for journalists to seek further guidance and clarification in their respective states. It further provides a global overview of the issue and covers various topics related to different countries. The announcements for grants are truly valuable for independent journalists who seek financial sources for a long term commitment. The web-site has also a blog section, which enables investigative journalists  bloggers to blog freely and share crucial information to advance their. It will obviously make it more dynamic and interesting. The home page lists all the members of the network globally. Among them are The Canadian Association of Journalists, Center for Investigative Reporting, Center for Journalism and Public Ethics, The Center for Public Integrity, Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, and  Freedom of  Information Center. All the listed organizations are renowned actors in the field of development of investigative journalism.     

14. IRE
Investigative journalism best practices
This is another interesting web-site dedicated to expand the investigative journalism and encourage best practices. It provides for the IRE award which is an annual event which brings together the best journalists and promotes agencies that have significant contribution in investigating a subject of public interest. IRE offers membership to journalists and lists the advantages that the members may have. The network provides ideas and quick advice, tips for investigative topics, access to more than 23000 stories in their archives. Members can benefit from job postings and numerous freelance opportunities, as well as discounts while using the database library of the web-site. The directory of the journalists helps them to search and find a journalist working on similar projects and hence collaborate to come out with the best results.
The online journal is another tool that helps the reader stay connected and learn about the recent news and opportunities. The website offers data provision services. Journalists may place orders and get professional help. The news on the web-site is frequently updated and touches very intriguing subjects, e.g. drugs, corruption, finances, social issues, and politics. IRE also holds seminars and conferences in specific topics aiding the development of investigative journalism and raising the capacity of journalists. The trainings methodologies are modern. They run video show trainings, webinars among others.
15. Swiss Investigative Reporters  network
Networking amongst investigative journalists
This website promotes networking among investigative journalists in Switzerland, as well as helping them to interact with their counterparts from around the globe. It shares news in the field of investigative journalism and organizes conferences to discuss their professional welfare and scrutinize the legislations that intend to cripple them in their day to day assignments. This website has established a grant scheme to award the exemplary investigative journalists who have unearthed serious scandals concealed by the authorities thus invoking accountability on governance systems. The website facilitates investigations networking for the development of the activities of the members.
Professional journalists are brought together through this website and it is through this forum that they meet with their peers and access global information. The section called  Directory  lists all the member journalists with their contact details and the organizations they work for. It also lists the fields of specialization of journalists.  Furthermore it discusses the importance of promoting national endowment for investigative journalism in the Switzerland. They have proposed a policy that leaves bloggers in the shadow and focuses only the institutional media organizations and professional journalists.
This website is more involved in organizing conferences and workshops, training journalists. It also provides assistance for the journalist to access public documents and data in every country.
16. The Center for Public Integrity
Investigative journalism promotes transparency   
This is a web-site that shares reports investigating corruption, privatization, and terrorism. Public health, public accountability, environment, war profiteering, state lobbying, which have a public integrity component are among the issues they investigate and report. The content is of significant public interest and carries an important legacy for the reader. The Center for Public Integrity encourages journalists to start their own investigations using their resources. They offer data and research tools for those who need specific information for their materials. It combines all the media in their reporting print audio and video. This working style is very attractive, as encourages that people with certain disabilities get free access to the content of the web-site.
Articles of the web-site are aiming at making institutional power more transparent and accountable. At the same time they educate the reader, the citizen on how to hold the government and other institutions accountable. They promote the right to be informed and to be aware. The web-site has a section called  Research Tools , which contains information and guidance on how to write a letter requesting information, detailed information in FOIA requests in general. This web-site is also active in promoting dialogue with their readers and encourages whistle blowing. As they state, most of their notable publications were generated thanks to active readers and whistleblowers.
17. Info shop
Forum for investigative journalists
This web-site is user friendly and it has been translated to eight languages. They write, analyze and hold forums for open discussions. It has a library with relevant literature and resources. However, the most impressive part of the web-site was the forum a very active and dynamic portal which held discussions on more than 25 topics. The website provides a database, directory of journalists and organizations and a separate section for useful links. The moderator of the web-site and the forum is called  Anarchist  who calls to  Kill capitalism before it kills you  navigation through the website is fast because links have been incorporated and a search bar has been designed to help investigative journalists to find the information they want in a reliable and efficient manner. The website has also incorporated the Human Computer Interface (HCI) components and visitors on info shop can comfortably peruse through the pages with ease. The database directory is crucial as members can type their peers  names and get the complete profile together with articles they have written. A check box for leaving comments has been strategically embedded on this website. Readers can contribute to the topics on the forum and ask questions, leave messages and chat with their counterparts.
18 Global Investigative Journalism Strategies for Support
Investigative reporting instigates democracy    
Global investigative journalism website is fuelled by globalization, US foreign policy, health, education, international aid, and the global efforts of investigative journalistic groups. It primarily offers training insights into the field of investigative journalism. This website has developed from the Centre for International Media Assistance (CIMA). Its sole intention is to determine the size and strength of the profession and what is necessary for this profession to flourish and expand its work which is critical for democratic and transparent societies. According to this site, investigative journalism has significantly liberated very many countries which were under dictatorial rule such as Germany, the Soviet Union and Middle East.  This is a very simple web-site with reports listed in a very simple way. This web-site focuses mainly US politics, elections, culture, and religion. There are occasional materials on international content, again popular in the US news and analysis market Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, etc. This web-site is regularly updated and contains valuable information and thoroughly analyzed materials. The great majority of the recent news contained materials about the last election of the US President and the current President, Barak Obama and the role investigative journalists played into his election and how they tracked every move and word he uttered.
19. The Guardian   
Citizen journalism and the media
Tracy Van Slyke discusses the importance of promoting national endowment for investigative journalism in the United States. The author of this website is very critical when analyzing the old school thought of Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres, who made the proposal to have an endowment fund for investigative journalist s endowment. Specifically, they have specified to whom the assistance should go as investigative journalists. The proposed policy leaves bloggers in the shadow and focuses only the institutional media organizations and professional journalists. The second wave of criticism touches on the payments for the products According to the proposal the calculations should be made based on the number of readers who read the news on-line.  Here the author prioritizes the importance of the product and not the size of the audience. There are media which build their audience through a variety of marketing strategies as well, so Tracy Van Slyke draws attention to the fact that less popular news agencies are not less important. The website prioritizes the public duty investigative journalism has to fulfill. Finally, the website is very successful in driving forth the role of new media versus citizen journalism. The newly evolved experiences of investigative journalism also are discussed.
20. Journalists Network
Uniting journalists worldwide
This website aims promote the development of journalistic career. It has developed a dynamic space for those who seek development in investigative journalism in general, and in specific topics, like public spending, using web for the investigation, etc. This web-site stood out from the other web-sites of this type with offering its content in six languages. It provides items specific to each region offering a tool to select a country or a region. IJNET holds a discussion section where members share their experiences and views on a variety of topics. It encompasses very practical issues (like visa), and guides the reader through very professional issues. The web-site lists training opportunities for journalists, the content of which is open and does not require registration. The announcements section offers a great number of opportunities for photojournalists also competitions, participations in projects, etc. The extensive amount of opportunities is extremely encouraging and it has been designed to meet demands of investigative journalism in the 21st century. Anybody visiting the website is assured to get an attractive package that suits himher demands as an investigative journalist. The web-site is frequently updated and it is networking services imply that this is a genuinely valuable resource in the bulk of thousands of internet portals.   
21. The Canadian Center for Investigative Reporting
Web 2.0 tools advance investigative journalism
This is also a web-site representing a non-profit organization fighting for better standards in investigative journalism and is based in Canada. At the same time the center does produce high quality investigative reports, which are available on the web-site. Although the web-site is very attractive at first glance, it is obvious that it is not well updated. E. g. the blog section has very limited activity. The web-site s news section is called  Investigate this News and Resources . This section consists of reports of different thematic corruption, taxation, healthcare, announcements for bloggers, military, etc. there are very interesting articles on corruption, the Swine Flu panic, as well as a controversial issues on payments to doctors for drugs in US a vivid example of what investigative journalists have unearthed. In the links section there is a small list of other web-sites specializing in investigative journalism and implementing projects, holding conferences in support of this field. The page has links such as facebook, twitter, Flicker, YouTube which easily facilitates the sharing of information, pictures and multimedia and chatting with online guests. Guests can tag pictures and share their favorite experience on this website. What is more, registration is a simple process and guests are regularly updated on their status and they can post their pictures and open an album directory which has a capacity of 1GB free storage space.
22. Skup
Public organization promoting investigative journalism   
This is a public organization promoting investigative journalism. The web-site offers an impressive amount of resources and helps to navigate through the site easily, however, the whole content is Norwegian and the browsing was made possible with the help of toolbar translator. The vision of the organization was very interesting. It says  The Foundation for a Critical and Investigative Press (SKUP) aims to inspire investigative journalism in the Norwegian media . The SKUP demonstrates itself as a board of professionals, which offers high rank conferences, scholarship, runs a school, as well as holds SKUP Prize ceremony. It lists all the winners and the titles of their articles since 1991. Another section  method  introduces the best samples of investigative journalism produced since 1998 in Norway. This section is extremely valuable and the full length articles enrich the whole collection of the web-site. In the conference section the web-site introduces the speeches and presentations of the conferences since 2004, which is again very useful for those eager to do research and learn more. Archives of investigative journalism web-sites are free to users. As a result there is vast amount of information that is freely available to users who are interested in investigative journalism.
23. Transparency in spot   
Hidden scams exposed
A slogan on top of the web-site says  Read the stories they don t want you to know  The essence of investigative journalism is expressed in this colloquial way. This web-site is one of the outstanding resources that provide high quality investigative reporting.  Each article is a scandal and each article opens a curtain to view the truth behind it. This is a news web-site and combines pieces of investigative journalism with follow up news and news about the dangers that encounter investigative journalists. There is an interesting article about Natalia Morar, an investigative journalist in Moldova, who is in trial for being accused in  causing mass disorder  at a demonstration.
The range of the topics in the web-site is very wide politics, corruption, crime, sports, national security, banking, etc. The fact that the content was not classified made the browsing and the perception of the content very difficult. The home page is clearly designed with a range headlines covering various topics. Once a user clicks a title for example  corruption  a whole page pops up with corruption scandals from various countries around the world. The dialog box can sort country by country corruption cases with the latest corruption scandals appearing at the top.
24. Open Democracy
Investigative reporting agency
This is an investigative reporting agency which watching over the economy, governments and politics around the world. It publishes news, analysis, blogs and debates touching public interest.  This web-site publishes its own content and it encourages non-member investigative journalists to make their contribution on this website. Main topics covered include Civil Society, Conflict, Culture, Democracy, Government, International Politics, internet, science. In specific regard to the Civil Society section there is an extensive section which investigates the constraints of emerging democracies. Most of the articles featuring Russia paint a grim picture concerning its democracy and have a general consensus about its failing democracy. Corruption, failure in public health and enormous sizes of corruption are explicitly investigated. There was even an open letter from a citizen from a small city published on the web-site. There were interesting content also about UK (health care), Brazil (public health), Africa (AIDS). Thus, the civil society section was focusing the democracy issue from the context of access to health care, which is one of the fundamental human rights. Climate change talks in Copenhagen were also in the list. The benchmark on this web-site is the level of democracy, and the derivation of democratic values in each state, community, government or department of government.
25. Friendfeed
Journalism, civil society and the 21st century reportage
The website is arguably the most vocal when it comes to posting substantial arguments about investigative journalism. First the website looks at the looming failure of newspapers and the inability of the new media (for example, bloggers) to adequately provide investigative reporting. Consequently, the disappearance of mainstream media is projected to narrow the discussion down to a central function of journalism, the independent organization of government, industries, and the society and the dissemination of information from such investigations. For instance, the website argues that if the leading newspapers loose their capacity to report and conduct inquiries, then the American public will be vulnerable to the manipulations and deceptions of those in power. This website cautions shortsighted newspapers to start implementing feasible strategies (well researched and proven) in their long-term strategic planning so that they can remain relevant in the coming information revolution of the next ten or so years when bloggers  articles will have the real influence on peoples  reading culture. Subscription tool allows the readers to get regular newsletters and stay connected. The web-site calls readers to be open and share views and concerns with them. The web-site provides news, analysis and resources. The Subscription feature allows the readers get regular newsletters and stay connected. The web-site calls investigative journalists to be open and share views and concerns with the public through publishing them both on the print and electronic media.